We encourage you to carefully read these Terms before continuing through this website. Browsing this website indicates that you have read, understood and accepted these Terms without limitation and that you will abide by all applicable rules, regulations and laws. You cannot use this website if you do not accept these Terms.
We may periodically amend, suspend or discontinue this website and/or its content without prior notice. We may also change, update, add or remove provisions to these Terms without notification so please make sure to read these from time to time.
By complying with these Terms, you understand and agree that Obsidian Vertex reserves all rights to immediately terminate/remove your access to this website without prior notice and without showing any reason, if it suspects breaches or violations of these Terms of Use or other incorporated agreements/guidelines or requests by law enforcement or other government agencies or any other reason that Obsidian Vertex reasonably believes good for such termination/removal. You further understand and agree that all terminations shall be made in Obsidian Vertex's sole discretion and that Obsidian Vertex shall not be liable to you nor any third party for any termination of your account or access to this website.
Any use of this website's content including text, images, graphics, videos, logos and icons, are the exclusive property of Obsidian Vertex, and is protected by Pakistan and international copyright laws – use of which for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. Under no circumstances may any of the content on this website be copied, reproduced, modified, altered (including tampering with any of the technological safeguards), published or distributed in any form without obtaining prior permission. Unauthorized use of any information from this website may violate copyright, trademark and other laws.
Use of site content
Obsidian Vertex, in accordance with these Terms, grants you a limited, non-exclusive and revocable license to access, browse and download the given marketing content for internal and business use, provided that you comply with these Terms and do not modify the content in any way, including retaining all copyright and proprietary notices displayed on the website. Any other use of this site's content without Obsidian Vertex's prior consent is strictly prohibited.
The trademark "Obsidian Vertex", logos and service marks used and displayed on the site are all registered trademarks of Obsidian Vertex and shall not be used in any way, published or advertised without prior permission from Obsidian Vertex. All other product and company names used or mentioned herein are or may be trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their respective holders. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them. Nothing on the site should be taken as granting the right to use any trademark or Obsidian Vertex's any other intellectual property.
Electronic communications
By using our website, you consent to receive electronic communications from us such as notices and other information concerning the website. This communication is part of your relationship with us.
Links to third party sites
We may provide and sometimes use content supported or provided by third-party websites. Our provision of a link to any other site or location is for your convenience only and does not signify our endorsement of any such other site or location, or its contents. Obsidian Vertex does not accept liability for any such information found at any other website or internet location, and bears no responsibility for such third-party websites that are governed by the terms of use and privacy policies of the respective third-party content providers.
Limitation of liability
Under no circumstances shall Obsidian Vertex be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, or consequential damages, or any other damages whatsoever, for any use of or reliance on this website or obtained from or arising out of your use of this site, including, without limitation, any lost opportunity, lost profits, business interruption, interruption, deletion, defect, loss of programs or data, even if expressly advised or otherwise aware of the possibility of such damages, whether in an action of contract, negligence, tort or otherwise.
Applicable law
By using this website, you agree that the laws of Pakistan, without reference to the principles of conflict of laws thereof, will govern these Terms of Use and any dispute of any sort that might arise between you and Obsidian Vertex.
Local laws
We control and operate the website from our office and some sections of the website may not be appropriate or available for use in other locations. If you use our websites outside Pakistan, you are solely responsible for complying with the local governing laws.